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This section concerns itself with things that we combined under "hints". This should contain things like copyright and sources of the articles, intentions of the authors or this site respectively, legal things etc. This heading will be completed and corrected if required.
In case of questions or corrections please let us know.

Browser Intention
Copyright Links
Forum PGP

The copyright of the layout of the 6thfloor site, the used graphics and the 6thfloor logo holds the 6thfloor-Team. The further use even in parts is prohibited. Also prohibited is the publishing of changed texts.

All texts contain references if available. The copyright of the texts holds the author who is mentioned at the end of the article. For further information please contact the author.

If someone else holds the copyright is this mentioned at the corresponding positions.


According to a judgment of the district court of Hamburg at May 12, 1998 anyone who links to a website has also to take the responsibility for the contents of the linked page. You can prevent this by expressly disassociating oneself from the contents and offers of the linked site.

Because we also link from our site to other web pages, we emphasize expressly with this that we have no influence on their contents and arrangement and we disassociate ourself from these sites. This is valid for all of our links on our site and categories.

Even if we wanted to, we couldn't check all our linked sites every day if their contents are still legal. That is why we put this statement here.

 6thfloor Forum

Our forum should give our users the opportunity to discuss on the topics of our site and exchange views. For making this possible for all users the following rules are valid for postings: you are not allowed to post advertisements, propaganda or other right wing extreme statements. Moreover, you mustn't set links to sites that contain some of the mentioned contents. When violating against these rules the moderator will delete the posting without hesitation.

Additional to these rules there is the netiquette that is valid in nearly every forum or newsgroup. You should also keep to it otherwise it could happen that other users ignore your postings. Some important rules of the netiquette are that you don't insult anyone but argue when you want to tell your opinion; disputes should be solved directly with the person concerned and not via third party. It is considered as impolite not to give your real name or using a pseudonym. X-postings (the same postings in differents forums) will be ignored as well. This should be no problem at the moment because there are only few forums. But please be aware that a posting in the right forum could be more efficient than posting in every forum and being ignored! Moreover, a describing subject line and an understandable formulation of your request are important.

If you act according to these rules and pay attention to the netiquette, the forum should be a quite good address to turn to for information and discussions.


Browser and the display of HTML pages, that's another story. To cut a long story short: there is no page that looks similar in all browsers because all browser manufacturer make their own things. In one browser, a command is implemented, in another one not, and in another one the command is interpreted differently and so on. Because of that it is (unnecessarily) more difficult for web authors to develop and realize a layout.

The 6thfloor site was tested with multiple browsers but you can view it best with the Microsoft Internet Explorer. The Netscape Navigator version 4 shows the layout little bit different but we try to adapt it to the display of the IE. Under Linux the site is not very handsome due to different fonts. In the following table you can see more details to this topic.

The following table shows you with which of the most popular browsers and under which OS the 6thfloor site was tested and should be displayed properly. We used browser that support CSS (from version 1.0) and JavaScript.
A green colour means a faultless display, yellow colour marks a display of the site that is not nice at some edges but still acceptable. A red colour marks browser that display the page unacceptably for the user.


 Browser on the net

  Windows 9x/Me/NT Linux MacOS
Internet Explorer 5.x/6 (MacOS: 5.0)   --  
Konqueror 1.9.8 --   --
Lynx 2.8.3 **)     --
Netscape Navigator 4.7x      
Netscape Navigator 6/7   n.t. n.t.
OmniWeb 4.0.1 ****) -- --  
Opera 3.6x   -- --
Opera 4.x / 5.x   n.t. n.t.
Opera 6.x   n.t. n.t.
(Mozilla 0.6-0.9.x) *)   n.t.  
(iCab 2.5.1) ***) -- --  

n.t. = site was not tested with the browser under this OS
-- = browser is not available for this system
*) Mozilla is still in developement but Netscape 6 was already released which is based on the code of Mozilla; so we decided to list this browser too.
**) text based browser
***) The development of iCab isn't finished yet; that is why some display errors and other problems occur that will be probably fixed in the first final version
****) OmniWeb is only available for OS X

If you notice rough displaying errors of the site on your system, please notify us! This is the only way to reach an optimal quality despite the browser jungle. Thank you!


The assessment of the browsers used above should not be a general assessment of the quality of the browsers at all!
We only assessed how THIS site is displayed. The reason is that the HTML 4.0 and CSS2 commands are implemented differently that are used mostly by this site. It would be possible to develop this site without these commands but then the possibilities of the layout would be very restricted.
Please note!


We, the authors of the 6thfloor site, want to use the advantages of the media internet: namely the easy and cheap publishing of our texts and thoughts to open it to the public. Where this could be done better?

When we wrote texts in the past or philosophized about "god and the world" these thoughts rot away on hard drives or went away as fast as they had come. But now everyone can share these thoughts and add his own ones. On this and other websites.

That's all we want and of course fun that you should share. So, enjoy your stay here and pay attention to the contents which mean hours of work for us!

The 6thfloor-Team


Because everyone has the possibility to make entries in the guestbook, we reserve the right to delete entries that offend against the honor of other people or degrade them or entries that offend against laws in force in any form. Every new entry will be examined by the 6thfloor-Team within 24 h!
This guestbook should not be an address to turn for advertising his homepage as well. If someone has a homepage that has similar interests like this one we are willing to set a link on our link page.

I hope that the visitors of this site are as sensible to consider this passage as self evident.


With PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) you can digital sign emails, files etc. to guarantee the authenticity for the recipient or additionally encrypt them to protect your mails against others.

The principle of this system isn't difficult: first, every user of PGP has to create his own key pair. For this, there is used the name, email address and a passphrase. The passphrase is a sentence that serves as a password, quasi a "pass sentence". The key pair contains a public and a private key.
The private key should only be accessible to you and must not be published.
However, you should give the public key to all your friends/acquaintances/colleagues who want to send you messages/files.
To send you a signed or encrypted message your public key has to be used. All emails/files that were signed/encrypted with your public key can only be verified/decrypted with your passphrase and your private key.

The practical and secure thing is that you don't have to exchange any passwords with your friends but only your public key. Besides, the encryption is so secure that even todays supercomputers would need a processing time lasting for decades to crack the code.
That is why all authors of this site provide their public keys for download so that you can send us secure messages. After the download you have only to unzip the public key(s) (e.g. with WinZip) and import them into PGP.

For further information about PGP please visit PGP on the internet (English) or the site of the c't-Krypto-Kampagne (German).