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Welcome to the 6thfloor homepage!

We, the crazy guys that had nothing better to do than creating this site, aim to entertain and inform you.
We have to confess that our offer on this site is still easy to grasp.
Nevertheless, here are some hints for a better orientation!

Do you want to know at which unusual place you can find the number of the devil, 666?
Or would you like to know how a nuclear weapon works or which reflections there are for the construction of new space vehicles?
Or do you search a way to cipher personal messages without a computer?
Then take a look at our Science Net!

Maybe you're interested in the intelligent stuff that was said by known persons of history?
Then there are some things for you at Sayings!

And if you've got the desire or if there's the need of, you can tell us your opinion via our Guestbook or write to the addresses given under Contact. You can also find the addresses of all our authors there.
We're always glad about constructive criticism and new acquaintances.
For the same reason there is our forum that should cover all topics of our site and that invites you to join.

On the left you can see the navigation bar that should guide you through our offer. By the links above you can find out more about us and the site.

This site is under continual construction but we need more material. So if you've got suggestions or would like to publish something here, write us!

The creators of 6thfloor wish you much fun while surfing!

Last update: 07/31/2002