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Intel-United Devices Cancer Research Project

United Devices

This project is based on the fact that most of the computers never use their whole resources, so they go to waste. This unused processing time is used by the program UD Agent and the THINK software to create three-dimensional models of molecules to investigate their interaction with a target protein that is known to be involved in the growth of cancer. The results will be send back over the internet for evaluation.

Participating in the project is done quickly and easily. First, you have to download and install UD-Agent, the software that does the calculations, from the following page:

Download UD Agent

After the installation you have to register the UD Agent. You need to enter a member name, a password and your E-Mail address. Then you are registered and the program connects to the UD server to get the first work unit for processing.

Our team
We created a team for this project. The results of the members of a team will be summed up and compared with other teams.
You can join our team when you're a member of the project (see above) via the following URL:

Teams site of our team Circle of six at UD

Here you only have to click "Join this team", maybe log in and then you're already done.

More information
Find more information on the project on the following sites: